Hello and welcome to my blog, where you will find a record of the background research and planning of my slasher film opening, High Royds. Here you will also find my colleagues work as well as i worked with several others over the past six months. The film which inspired our film opening is Madhouse (2004, William Butler).

Wednesday, 16 January 2013

Halloween H20 (Steve Minor, 1998)

Halloween H20 
(Steve Minor, 1998)
PRODUCED BY: Dimension FilmsNightfall Productions

BUDGET: $17m


  • There is only one Ident which is "Dimension Films" which fades in from black.
  • Starts with someone stabbing a pumpkin with a huge knife which connotes a knife will be used later on.
  • Its one long continuous shot which creates suspension within the audience.
  • The audio includes children laughing in a scary way which signifies a creepy   feel to the movie.
  • The first text that comes up is the location. It is a white bold sans serif font. Then the text of the date appears central to make the audience know this is very important and catches the audiences attention.
  • There is a slight tint overlay to the film which makes it darker, this makes the text stand out and gives a darker scarier feel to the film.
  • The shot used is an establishing shot which tracks around and follows the women getting out the car. It then moves to medium closeup shot to show detail of the womens clothing at the same time facial expressions.
  • The audio uses diagetic and non diagetic. The Non Diagetic music used is carnival themed song which signifies an unsteady setting for something mysterious.
  • The music stops as soon as the she enters the house which creates suspension and signifies something is going to happen for example a false scare.
  • The mes-en-scene of the film is a typical American Styled street with children playing out on the street.

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