Tiny Terror (Georgia, Tom)
The title of the shows intertexual refferences to the film Scream by Wes Craven 1996. Also the music at the start shows slow and long drawn out notes which creates tension. Also long drawn out notes at the start of the scene and the opening shot connotes hiding in the branches or bushes and it gives you the option to put a hand in to move the branch out the way as a sort of point of view shot. It includes a false scare early in the opening hich works nice. This also has intertextual referances to the film Omen including calling the boy Damien. This then fades out to black and fades back in, this is a simple elipsis transition. They use a dutch angle which shows something is going to happen which is not normal. Diaglogue is key for exposition which provides information to the audience of whats on the screen.poo.
Underground (
We can tell straight away that the first man on screen is going to die, this is signified by him holding alcohol in his hand. The camera is a point of view shot, which is shaky. This is to signify he is drunk. Then we get a point of view shot of someone hidng in the bushes signifying he is being stalked. We then get a shoddy violence scene which is quite poor however good misenscene with blood in the snow. There is a use of video effect to signify CCTV.
Red Run (dillon,
Idents work well with the film and clearly signify a horror film. titles are placed nice and used correctly with the film genre. The shot variety is good with the point of view shot of the perosn walking to the house. However the lack of diagetic sound means the verisimillitude has broke which means it hasn't achieved realism. We see a kettle being clicked on but dont hear it.
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