Hello and welcome to my blog, where you will find a record of the background research and planning of my slasher film opening, High Royds. Here you will also find my colleagues work as well as i worked with several others over the past six months. The film which inspired our film opening is Madhouse (2004, William Butler).

Sunday 18 November 2012

Past Coursework Assessment


L.C.E Productions

Here is the Ident

This film opening features a person late for work which as an audience we get the impression that this is a frequent thing in his everyday life hence 'Just Another Day'

This is the clock

Opening shot: A CU is used here of his alarm clock to signify to the audience that something to do with time might be of importance in this opening. We then realise in the next establishing shot that, time is what the opening is all about.

Here is the closing shot

Closing shot:
The closing shot is a still frame which is use to introduce the film title which would then lead on to the movie there is no transition used but because there is the movie credit we assume that this is the end of the opening.

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