Hello and welcome to my blog, where you will find a record of the background research and planning of my slasher film opening, High Royds. Here you will also find my colleagues work as well as i worked with several others over the past six months. The film which inspired our film opening is Madhouse (2004, William Butler).

Monday, 25 March 2013

The Asylum shoot

Our First Shoot

We carried out our shoot on Monday the 25th of February  we first got the train to Menston. Which is where we filmed our opening,  at Menston High Royds mental asylum. This is the perfect location for our film as its similar to the film we are basing it on, Mad House. At around 3 o'clock in the afternoon when it was still light. 

our white lab coat
We then filmed outside of High Royds, in which we acted out a chase scene in which the patient is escaping from High Royds. Curtis our patient got into his costume which was a white lab coat. The other actor - Jake, also got into his costume which consisted of doctors trousers, a doctor shirt and a doctors a ID which is a key piece of mise en scene in our opening because it provides realism to the audience.
The fig rig we used

After filming at High Royds we then went to my house to film the res of opening. We filmed Outside and inside of my house. Inside we filmed in my bathroom and landing. The bathroom was ideal because of the mirror above the toilet, this was used to create our false scare. When we were outside we filmed on my drive, using the car as part of the mise on scene to represent his social class being a doctor so quite rich and powerful.

We were lucky with the time that we went because it wasn't dark yet, which was ideal because we hadn't previously planned on taking a light with the rest of our equipment. The fig rig proved to be a key piece of equipment that we used as it provided a stable camera shot which proved handy when filming POV shot when we changed the setting of our opening.

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