Hello and welcome to my blog, where you will find a record of the background research and planning of my slasher film opening, High Royds. Here you will also find my colleagues work as well as i worked with several others over the past six months. The film which inspired our film opening is Madhouse (2004, William Butler).

Friday, 3 May 2013

Last House on The Left

Film Opening - Last House on the Left
Last House on the left (Wes Craven, 1972)

Budget was 90 k because of being an indie production.

it had no big actors or stars because its such a low budget however it made a colossal profit margin.

at the the beginning of the film Wes Craven uses exposition at the beginning to create a sense or realism, this scares the audience into thinking it was actually a real event with this text using sans serif font in the filmThis writing is chosen to look realistic to a scare audience. It uses conventional media language, opening with a panning shot of an extreme long shot which then cuts to a different part of the environment. It has been a convention of all the slasher openings i have watched so far that it starts with an environment shot and not just the characters. A lot of the exposition is done by showing graffiti. Initially by the protagonists name being on the screen. The quality of the footage on the film isn't very good. Also at the beginning of this film there are some discontinuity editing.

There are very minimal titles, only 6 including the film title being shown. No stars are mentioned because the budget wouldn't have been big enough to hire any. In a lot of the slasher films the reason for a lot of the deaths is due to immoral behaviour and the killer wanting to see them punished for something they may have done. Unlike a lot of slasher films it uses a lot of long takes and limited shot variety, this is probably also down to the lack of money.

In the opening there is also an extreme close up of a neclace 'magical object'. This is a very significant part of the mise-en-scene.

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