Hello and welcome to my blog, where you will find a record of the background research and planning of my slasher film opening, High Royds. Here you will also find my colleagues work as well as i worked with several others over the past six months. The film which inspired our film opening is Madhouse (2004, William Butler).

Monday, 29 April 2013

ALL Asylum Mise-En-Scene & Costume


Here is our opening shot, here we give the audience a view of the mental asylum, this was to give an insight into how big of an escape this is as the size of the building lets you know that it is a large scale asylum. The reason we chose this building is because since a few years ago it has been a fully functional mental asylum. this we thought was absolutely ideal for our opening as we feel it still has the eery buzz about it with its dark,
mysterious look about it.

Here we used a Mercedes car which is my mums. We used this to signify how old the character is as he is a Dr in his early thirty's, using a Mercedes would signify his age and that he is an adult character. so we took a shot of him getting out of the car and locking it to give the audience an idea that he has just driven it home, this we thought was an effective feature to signify his age and his social class.

This shot is one of my favorite shots of the killer, i think it is very effective, building suspense as we break some of the narrative enigma to the audience showing the full body of the killer. we did this by arranging the position of Curtis (the killer) by shouting out of the window so he was in the right spot. We managed to get the perfect position and used an outdoor light to make the shot more effective to show the killer more clearly.


Here we have a shot from in the cupboard it shows the costume of the Dr. As he is a Dr it is a smart uniform he is wearing, i chose chino trousers and a smart shirt buttoned up as this is what was in our mind as a stereotypical Dr from first hand experience and from watching television. To add to the costume we used my Driving license as an identity for the Dr, as we thought it would add to the stereotypical look.

Here we have the bottom half of what our scream queen was wearing, we asked her to wear shorts as this shows a lot of skin especially with the top she was wearing as well. This was used as it is very stereotypical of the scream queen archetype to be blonde and wear revealing clothes.

This is the killer running from the Asylum. The killers costume, is inspired by the patients escape. He is wearing the Dr's lab coat and was the reason he was able to escape by disguise. We went to the schools biology department and they let us borrow the lab coat, this worked very effectively

Our fake blood

We used fake blood for verisimilitude  for our killing scene it also made our film a lot more realistic as the victim was killed with a knife.

Here is the useful resource we used http://www.wikihow.com/Make-Fake-Blood

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