Hello and welcome to my blog, where you will find a record of the background research and planning of my slasher film opening, High Royds. Here you will also find my colleagues work as well as i worked with several others over the past six months. The film which inspired our film opening is Madhouse (2004, William Butler).

Friday, 21 September 2012

My Favorite Film

My favourite film is Forrest Gump (Robert Zemekis, 1994).

Here is the trailer

I am anaylising 30 seconds of this scene 0:17 to 0:47 from the film Forrest Gump. I am anaylising the main area of this scene which is shots.


There is only one continuous shot in this scene. It is a tracking shot because the camera is physically moving which also pans from Benjamin Blue to Forrest Gump. First it starts off slowly with Benjamin while he is talking, this is to give the viewer more detail to his facial expressions as well as giving us an idea of the scene behind him. We are focused on his mouth and face to give us an idea of the character. This is Benjamin first scene in the film. This shot is called a Medium Close Up. The camera then moves onto Forrest when he begins to talk and slowly zooms into a Close Up. This is also to show his facial expressions, however keeping Benjamin in the shot at the same time. The camera keeps them both in the shot throughout the scene until right at the end. This is to show the relationship between them both that they are always going to be with each other because the don't leave each other in the scene. However right at the end in the last 4 seconds of the scene the camera zooms into Forrest's face, this is to try emphasise that we are going into forrest's mind, because we then hear him narrating in the next scene. This is so it feels like we are listening to his mind. 

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